How to join ROTI
When you join Rotary, you are one of the 1.2 million people dedicated to the needs of helping others through education and health.
When you join ROTI, you become friends with other Rotarians outside your club, district, and country. For 18 years, ROTIans have shared thoughts throughout over 100 countries and territories about recruiting, grants, travel, and personal stories about their lives. It has not been all work, there has been lots of fellowship at Rotary Conventions where ROTIans meet annually and maintain a booth, and in homes of their fellow ROTIans.
After joining, we are sure you will want to share ROI with your friends. You really do not want to keep all this to yourself, do you?
Eligible members
- Rotarians and their spouses
- Rotaractors
- Complete the application form in
- Agree to receive the monthly newsletter – Breadbasket
- To retain membership, you must go online and update your information yearly, or whenever you change your email address.
Your entry in our database is the validation of your membership. From this database, you will receive official notices and announcements.
Membership to ROTI is free.
by Ron Nethercutt, Chair 2007-09
Having been a charter member of ROTI, it gives me great pleasure to write this report for the Fellowship Advancer. Many changes have been made in technology since the inception of ROTI, and perhaps no other industry has seen more innovation than that of communication. Being founded in electronic communications, our members have utilized the technology to spread the word of Rotary throughout our global-based membership.The following comments express the feelings of both recent and long time members of ROTI and range from new Rotarians to DGs and PDGs. WHAT’S YOURS?
I think that the opportunity to make friends and expand my Rotary world in that way is the greatest benefit of all. – PDG Bob Collins RC Council Bluffs Centennial D5650
I just recently discovered ROTI and already have benefited from the open exchange of information. A referral to Rotary authorize logos not aonly provided the images I needed for our website and printed materials, but also led me to discover the number and variety of RAGS.
Through another ROTI email exchange, I learned of several options for downloading and converting videos, which was quite useful to our club in making a video presentation for new members.
What has most impressed me in the short time I’ve been following ROTI emails, is the number of ROTI members sharing their similar successes and challenges in Rotary Clubs around the world.
– Linda Catran RC Calabasas D250
ROTI has given my district the opportunity to help those less fortunate thru grants. We have and are establishing networks, where we can make a difference carry through on the message of TRF on water, literacy and education. Several Rotary Foundation grants have resulted and more are to come from this fellowship. – Mac McGee Galesburg D6460